Like my bag and pocket EDC, my writing setup is constantly in flux. Technology is not static, and therefore, neither is my setup. It is The life of a techie writer. With that said, my current setup is straightforward and reliable for my needs. I don’t see much need to change now, but Apple is constantly updating, and so do I. I use several devices for my mobile writing setup when away from my desk.

Firstly, I have to point out the primary mobile device, the iPhone 14 Pro. I know the iPhone 15 is on the way out, but I still rock my iPhone 14 Pro. The iPhone puts all my writing and research in my pocket. I often find myself reading my work from the day before and editing it from my iPhone.

Secondly, I started out using a MacBook Air M1, but as of late, my go-to device has been my iPad Pro 3 generation with a Magic Keyboard Case. My iPad Pro is a couple of iterations old without the M1, but for the writing tasks, I use it for it is sufficient. The killer feature is with my writing app and the Apple Pencil. I can ditch the keyboard and Scribble my way through a document.

When away from my desk, I use a few devices for my mobile writing setup, which works for me. I know that for some, an iPad is not ideal for typing, especially a 50,000-word manuscript, yet it works for me. Each writer needs to see what works for their style. Maybe you are a fountain pen, and moleskin kind of writer, or a PC might be your weapon of choice. To each their own. What does your mobile setup look like?

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