Nine years ago, my dog Jake had to be put down. He was dying and suffering. A few weeks later, I decided to rescue another dog companion. I visited the Maricopa County Animal Shelter to see a white Chihuahua. When I arrived, I was informed that the dog had kennel cough. I agreed that I would still look at taking the dog and was told again that the dog would be put down that day if not rescued. Maricopa County offers a free vet check-up when rescuing a dog. I took them up on the offer and took the dog to the vet. The vet verified that the dog was most likely one year old and, besides kennel cough, was in good shape. I returned to the Maricopa County animal shelter and agreed to rescue the white Chihuahua. My Zuul, the white Chihuahua, has become my companion. She follows me around, sitting under my desk while I work and being around me at all times. This week, she celebrated her 10th birthday.

I believe that every writer needs a companion, whether it be human, feline, or canine. My dog, Zuul, is my companion, and I don’t know what to do without her. Do you have a writing companion, or do you feel that you should do this on your own?

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